And so begins the back and forth. It’s spring! It’s a blizzard! It’s transitional!
It’s predicted to be 70 tomorrow in New York City. Still stuffed up from my winter cold, I can’t really smell spring in the air. If only for a day, there’s no better way to celebrate it than with color. Easter egg-dipped reminders of renewal.
Last fall at Tom Ford, brightly-colored tights were paired with lycra, Halstonesque-style, blocks of color. The look was playful, energized and cool. The hues of the tights brought sophistication to the minis, going linear and confident, not racy. For Fall 2018, Ford took tights to color on acid, with melting, wild pattern.
Ulla Johnson went the other way for next fall, with soft dustings of tone in tights. Poetic, blushings on the moor, seam the outfit together from head to toe. The yarn cozying up to velvet-wrapped ankles.
This spring is the sweet spot for colored tights. There will be a massive field of color after the few winter’s buds have poked through. Go for a calming garden by matching tights to a fabric, or suede shoe a la Ulla. Think about shades of tones like hyacinth tights with a denim dress. Wear all black, brown or gray and drop petals on top with any pop or pastel-color tight. Or snap bright colors against one another, and go for a hot color scheme like Tom Ford.
Colored tights are a quick, easy, change-up that you can plant now. and will survive whether it’s sunny or snowy. You’ll be an early bloomer!
Ulla Johnson Fall 2018
Tom Ford Fall 2017
Where to Buy: HUE Opaque Tights
Tom Ford Fall 2018
Cover Photo: Ulla Johnson Fall 2018 . ImaxTree